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HPC (High Performance Computing) application developers (such as ISVs who develop HPC applications to address a market need or a SMB that develops HPC applications unique to its line of business) need SET™. Its simplicity, relative to alternatives, minimizes their in-house expertise, the complexity of their code, their learning curve, and their debugging time. Thus the quick time-to-market and workload reduction gives them a strategic advantage and saves them money. In addition, SET™ opens the door for development of new generation HPC applications that allow the use of clusters and supercomputers as scientific instruments.

SET™ Removes Major Barriers to Adoption of HPC Modeling and Simulation by the “Missing Middle”:

  • SET™ Enables a Quick and Easy Path for Creating and Maintaining HPC Applications


  • With SET™, Parallel Programming Expertise is Not Required


  • SET™ is Extremely Cost Effective


SET™ Enables Real-Time Interactive Supercomputing


With SET™, it is possible to develop with relative ease parallel applications that run on thousands of cores. It also provides an easy way to scale legacy codes. However, SET™ is much more than just an efficient, easy to use parallel programming tool. The SET framework provides SET-based HPC applications with RTIM™ (Real-Time Interactive MPI) capabilities. RTIM™ opens the door to RTIS™ (Real-Time Interactive Supercomputing) applications (such as simulations that run on supercomputers), and which can be interactively steered, controlled and display results in real-time. In addition, the SET™ framework can create ad hoc supercomputer-like parallel computing machines out of collections of individual Mac and Linux computers usually found in SMB environments. These parallel computing machines can then run fully interactive SET™-based HPC applications. The SET™ framework is also  capable of utilizing local computing clusters or Cloud resources as well, when available. During tests, the SET™ framework worked fine on 8,000-cores of an IBM iDataPlex cluster.


With SET™, researchers and ISVs can now create the next generation interactive supercomputing HPC applications. Moreover, existing HPC applications can be modified to take advantage of the SET framework, adding real-time interactivity capability to them. Please contact us for more information.


SET™ is different from other solutions in the market


SET™ embodies an approach very different from others, abstracting and implementing commonly-used parallel coding patterns and algorithms. Other solutions may help debug code, not develop it.

SET™ is better than other solutions in the market


SET™ helps HPC application developers write good parallel code, avoiding bugs altogether and provides time-to-market and implementation advantages unavailable in other tools. SET™ has built-in scalability features, and it enables full utilization of all available cores. In addition, the SET™ framework provides powerful unprecedented supercomputing technology enhancements to software applications, such as real-time interactivity with steering and control of HPC codes and real-time visualization capability, which no other HPC development tool or parallel framework offers.

C. W. CERAM_navy-back-fade.png
"Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple."
– C.W. Ceram

SET™ allows for faster parallelization and testing


SET™ abstracts and implements commonly-used parallel coding patterns and algorithms. Others require the developer to rewrite these patterns over and over themselves, an arduous and time-consuming task for the uninitiated.

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.  Innovation is not the product of logical thought, although the result is tied to logical structure."
– Albert Einstein


During the development phase of SET™, the SET™ parallelization approach (which adopts message passing) was applied to Wolfram Research Mathematica®1, providing it with supercomputing-style parallelization. The development effort took only one man/month, and was accomplished without access to Mathematica's source code. There is no other development system available today that can provide Mathematica with supercomputing-style parallelization in one  man/month, even with an access to source code. Without SET, such an effort could take a year with many programmers involved. See SEM™ (Supercomputing Engine for Mathematica) for more details.


Also during the development phase of SET™, the SET™ parallelization approach was applied to Apple QuickTime®2 transcoding functionality, providing it with supercomputing-style parallelization. As with Mathematica, the development effort took only one man/month, and was accomplished without access to QuickTime source code. Again, there is no other development system available today that is capable of providing QuickTime transcoding functionality with supercomputing-style parallelization in one man/month.


The parallelization approach of SET™ is explained here. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any question.


1. Mathematica® is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research Inc.
2. QuickTime® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.

SET™ is a patented technology.

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